The Results of Hair Transplant

It is easy to understand the importance of this care when you consider the reasonably lengthy process that will turn the transplants into full and healthy hair. What happens almost immediately is the transplanted hair (usually most of them) fall out due to shock loss. This simply means that the hairs suffer trauma from being relocated, and the falling out should occur within ten days. It is generally not until two or three months after surgery that new hairs will start to sprout from these transplanted follicles, and from that point the hairs begin to grow regularly and thicken for approximately six to nine months.

During this process, nurturing the hairs and keeping the area healthy is vital to maximize the success of the transplant. You should first try to remain patient and avoid anxiety about the hair’s appearance.

The days after surgery

Depending on the clinic and their preferences, the scalp wound is most likely to be controlled or aided with bandages, soaked gauze, or other semi-permeable dressings. These dressings are changed everyday and they let through fluid from tissues along with blood. In the case of gauze, bandages are also used in order to apply pressure (compression) to the wound and to hold the material in place. Some surgeons do not favor these methods and may not bandage the head. It may also not be necessary if your chosen transplant method does not leave significant wounding. In any case, the surgeon will advise you on when to remove any dressings, and you will be sent home within hours.

Keeping the transplants in place

Try to keep the treated area out of the sun, do not touch the scalp for the first days, and begin shampooing after two or three days depending on the surgeon’s recommendation. This helps preventing scabs from forming, which is crucial as scabs can potentially put the transplanted hair follicles at risk. Scabs may lead to loss of new follicles within the first two weeks. Most importantly, be careful with the transplanted follicles and treat them gently for the first 48 hours at least. The follicles rarely fall out but this period is when they are most likely to do so. Sleeping will be an issue for the first few days, and your surgeon can advise on how to avoid damaging contact with a pillow. Many patients sleep in a sitting position for the first day or so.

Avoiding infection

Infection is most common in the first two weeks after surgery. Along with the guidance above, you should seek to reduce this risk by steering clear of polluted air, dirty places or potentially dirty food and drink (including water). Also avoid environments with a possibility of contamination, such as public swimming pools or beaches. An antibiotic or antiseptic provided by the clinic should also help to ward off infection.

For more inquiries, visit or book a free consultation to personally ask our surgeon.

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